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About Me

My qualifications and why hire me as your Coach.

Graduated and taught as Adjunct Professor at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM)

Experienced SME business owner who grew a service business from a single employee to over a hundred associates (subsequently franchised and sold this profitable business)

Certified Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Helped top 1000 companies across multiple industries

Over 20 years experience in Corporate Sales and Leadership

Broad perspective in terms of industries and  company size

Mentored by world-class experts in Sales, Leadership, Coaching and Speaking

Worked with Fortune 500 companies and major brands like IBM, Kodak and Nabisco

Trained participants in over 300 companies

I invest in education and improving myself as a professional and a human being. I have personally spent over USD 130,000 in training programs with world-class mentors and coaches. This additional education has given me a better view of what it takes to transform performance.

My secret sauce as a top trainer

It’s seldom that the content alone makes a program effective. Information on any topic is widely available on the web. Instead of simply providing information to business owners, sales reps, consultants, trainers, service entrepreneurs, and high-end freelancers, I make the training a personally impactful and relevant experience for each participant. I invoke their strengths and passions and channel their intrinsic motivations to help them improve. My deeper approach is the secret sauce that I add to all my programs. ​


Some of the methods I use to increase engagement include:

Accelerated Learning

I studied under Blair Singer & Harv Eker, avid proponents of this effective methodology ​

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

I’m internationally-certified as a Master Practitioner

Performance Coaching

I have been certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF)


Coach Leon

I’ve been a full-time Leadership and Sales Coach, and workshop facilitator since 2011. I have trained and consulted with a wide range of companies.


My focus is on developing practical programs that allow participants to apply their learnings immediately the following day. I base my training upon over two decades of actual leadership, business and sales experience. ​


I have extensive experience in sales as an account executive, sales manager, and business owner. I worked my way up from a sales associate for public market stalls and supermarkets and went on to succeed in different industries including real estate, franchising, information technology, and consulting. I set sales records and won awards in IBM  (most PCs sold to Education sector), Kodak (earliest to hit territory target, Best Presenter), Drypers (quota achiever whilst maintaining best territory credit & collection record), and JDI (first rookie to win in car plan contest, Quota Buster Awardee). ​



For leadership, my most significant experience has been growing a start-up company from a single employee to over a hundred associates and subsequently selling this profitable service business after ten years of hands-on operations. I've also been a part-owner of a boutique marketing consultancy, a real estate development company, and a chain of food outlets.


I was an adjunct professor teaching Sales Management at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), where I also earned my Masters degree in Entrepreneurship. As a professor, students gave me high satisfaction ratings and ranked me as one of the highest among my peers.


I honed my teaching skills through intensive training with some of the world’s best public speakers including corporate sales trainer Steve Schiffman, sales and leadership trainer Blair Singer, best-selling author and speaking coach Harv Eker, NLP trainer Barney Wee, speaking coach Jane Atkinson, NLP trainer James Leong, speaking coach  Zoltan Hrotko, coaching mentor Peter Hawe, coaching mentor Leah Zveglich, Conversational Hypnosis and NLP expert Igor Ledochowski, and actor-director Larry Gillman.

Partial list of in-house clients

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Client Feedback

“Leon is an energetic and committed professional who relentlessly pursues excellence when delivering his training. His commitment to the participants in his programs is very clearly demonstrated in the way he engages and questions them. In addition, he employs his sense of humor to keep his audience motivated and focused on the subject. I would say that anyone who invests the kind of time, energy and money that Leon does in self-development cannot help but be an excellent trainer.”

Fay Niewiadomski, Founder/CEO, ICTN, New York

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